Saturday, June 2, 2012

Oh, Stuff.

First off, let me apologize in advance for not being able to squeeze as much detail in these things as I would like. I LIKE TO USE MY HANDS WHEN I TALK AND I CAN’T (except… I sorta use them when I type I guess). Anyway. Today is laundry day. My boss was gracious enough to let Phil and I do laundry at his house. This is how laundry is done. 

Things are going very well! Arequipa is a very interesting city. I think I’m going to hold off on describing it until the very end, so I can accurately portray it with some real detail. I have been busy exploring the city, getting things for the apartment, getting acquainted with Spanish again, telling Tom the Turkey on the neighboring roof to quit gobbling at 5:30 a.m., that sort of thing.

Concerning work, (guys, I’m a frieken professor. That’s what people call me!!!) Phil and I have been quite busy. We have been going through a few orientation sessions that mainly consist of logistic nonsense, but the birthday party was pretty nice. The school has a party at the end of each month that celebrates all of the professor’s birthdays in one big bash. Twas fun. Turns out I’ll teach normal sessions during the month of June, but during July they will send me to several different cities to hold seminars for their other branches! Each seminar should last 4-5 days where I will teach the faculty about US customs, holidays, pronunciation and a few other things. I suppose that I should mention that each trip is all expense paid… BOOM! So. Pumped. Oh! I recently received news that I DID pass my TESOL test – talk about a burden lifted. Ha, I mean… had I not passed it, I might as well have packed my bags and advanced my plane ticket back home.

I guess I can talk about my apartment a little. It’s little. It’s quaint. It’s cool. I likes it. It has a bottom floor with a living room that doesn’t have a single chair in it with a nice little kitchen that is shared between Phil and me and the landlord – they have a neighboring apt. next to us.

It also has a pretty sweet roof that is accessible via a staircase in my room. This is where I chat with Tom the Turkey sometimes along with check out the view. Arequipa is in the Andes Mountains, so the altitude is already quite high (little more than 7,000 feet). Even so, there are three old, old volcanoes that overlook the city.

First, there is El Misti with a summit of over 19,000 feet:

Then, there is Chachani:

Finally, there is Pichu Pichu:

Yeah, those three pictures were taken off mah roof. I’m not too upset about it. Ahh… I guess I need to talk about some boring stuff right quick, right fast. I still do not have internet in my apt. I mainly have access at my place of work or an internet cafĂ©. I do have a Peruvian cell, but I’m not telling you the number :P.  I think I have the address to my apartment finally, but I’m not 100 por ciento sure if it’s correct.  I think that’s about it? Hell, I’m already bored with that, so I will stop.

Until next time, folks.


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